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Welcome to physical therapy at the Camas Clinic aka the dream team.

Jul 17, 2024

Welcome to physical therapy at the Camas Clinic. Our physical therapy team consists of a physical therapist (Jaime Hopoi PT, DPT), physical therapist assistant (Jim Volk PTA), and physical therapy aid (Kim Maitner) … aka the dream team.

What is Physical Therapy? We are here to improve mobility, restore function, reduce pain, and prevent further injury by using a variety of methods, including exercises, stretches, manual therapy, and modalities. There are many reasons you may come to see a physical therapist. Some examples of reasons people come to therapy are to improve your strength and health prior to surgery, chronic pain issues, following surgery to help you return to full function, acute injury recovery, to improve your balance and coordination, to help lower your fall risk, and for recovery from neurological disease.

If your doctor recommends physical therapy, you can call the clinic and talk to Kim who will schedule you with our physical therapist, Jaime. She will perform an evaluation and discuss your goals for therapy, give you her recommendations for treatment, and set up a time frame in which to achieve those goals. You will then be seen by Jaime and Jim, 1-2 times per week for the duration of your treatment plan. We will be checking in throughout the course of your treatments to make sure you are on track to meet your goals and give you home exercises to complete in order to maximize your recovery. If there is one thing, we can emphasize it’s DO YOUR EXERCISES!

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more news and tips for staying healthy.

What do I need to bring with me?

  • a list of all prescription and over the counter medications, vitamins and supplements you are currently taking
  • your insurance card if applicable
  • if this is a worker’s compensation claim please bring your claim number and your case manager’s contact information
  • if this is an auto insurance claim, please bring your claim number and claim adjusters contact information
  • your physical therapy referral (if it hasn’t already been faxed from your provider)
  • any related documents pertaining to what brings you in for physical therapy: surgical reports, MRI reports, x-rays, etc.

How should I dress?

Please wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing so we can expose the area that we will be evaluating and treating.

How long will my first visit last?
Your first physical therapy visit will take approximately 1 hour and then after that, your treatment sessions will be about 45 minutes to an hour.

Our team is passionate about getting you moving to the best of your ability and helping you feel good! We are excited to meet you!